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Environment Agency
Environment Agency
Added 6 years ago

Areal rainfall is calculated at a daily timestep for 5 areal units which cover London using the Soil Moisture Model developed and run by the Environment Agency. For each areal unit, the areal rainfall and soil moisture deficits (SMDs) are calculated. Areal rainfall – This is calculated using rainfall data collected at one or more rain...

Environment Agency
Added 7 years ago

This dataset maps flood risk for London taken from the Environment agency's national dataset. Each cell is allocated one of four flood risk categories, taking into account flood defences and their condition. © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2017. All rights reserved. Some features of this map are based on digital spatial data from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology,...

Environment Agency
Added 7 years ago

This dataset contains shapefiles for London's river waterbodies managed under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and any related programmes. The shapefile contains additional data taken from the WFD's Classification Status dataset. This additional data gives a breakdown of the waterbodies by ecological status, chemical status, and other classification status in 2016. A shapefile containing WFD waterbodies for the whole of England is available fromthe Environment Agency.

Environment Agency
Added 10 years ago

The 'Climate Just' Map Tool shows the geography of England’s vulnerability to climate change at a neighbourhood scale. The Climate Just Map Tool shows which places may be most disadvantaged through climate impacts. It aims to raise awareness about how social vulnerability combined with exposure to hazards, like flooding and heat, may lead to uneven impacts in different neighbourhoods, causing climate...

Environment Agency
Updated 11 years ago

Number of properties in a floodplain and those with a significant risk of flooding. NAFRA - National Flood Risk Assessment. There are 3 risk categories: (i) low - 0.5% (1 in 200) chance of flooding each year or less. (ii) moderate - 1.3% (1 in 75) chance or less but greater than 0.5% (1 in 200) chance in any year. (iii) significant - greater than...