Partnership Data

Partnership Data

Partnership data is only accessible to approved officers in the GLA, London Boroughs, and BIDs that have joined the High Streets Data Service.

Please refer to the Basecamp user community to connect with other users and for additional details on new releases.

To access the pages below, you need to sign-up for a London Datastore account and be given access by the HSDS team.

Interactive Tools


High Streets Data Hub

The HS Data Hub is a new platform from London’s High Streets Data Service, designed to give you Borough and Retail Area level data, from a wide range of domains, including Footfall, Spend and Business Offerings.

Currently only accessible to approved officers in London Boroughs or BIDs that have signed up to join the High Streets Data Partnership. You must be logged-in to your Datastore account and given access to view these files.

High Streets Data Explorer

The map & data visualisations brings together a number of data sources to help us assess how busy London is. It uses spend and footfall data to allow for comparison of activity across London’s High Streets.

Currently only accessible to approved officers in London Boroughs or BIDs that have signed up to join the High Streets Data Partnership. You must be logged-in to your Datastore account and given access to view these files.

Interactive Map

This application helps you explore mapping layers from a number of different projects and sources – brought together into one place for the first time.

Currently only accessible to approved officers in London Boroughs or BIDs that have signed up to join the High Streets Data Partnership. You must be logged-in to your Datastore account and given access to view these files.

Private datasets

Spend data

Data from Mastercard aggregated to High Street / Town Centre level to show how spending patterns have changed over time.

  • Total spend (index)
  • Number of transactions (index)

NEW! Transactions at 3 hour periods also available here

Currently only accessible to approved officers in London Boroughs or BIDs that have signed up to join the High Streets Data Partnership. You must be logged-in to your Datastore account and given access to view these files.

Footfall data

Anonymised and Aggregated data by BT. The People Counts shows the number of people dwelling in each area per time period, split by:

  • Resident – based on where the user has spent most of their evening and night time in the latest historical month available
  • Worker – based on where the user has spent most of their working hours predominantly based on the latest historical month available
  • Visitor – a person not in their place of residence or work (at least 10mins in location)

Available for 350m TfL hex grid and MSOAs (roughly ward-sized areas).

Historic data from O2 at MSOA level also available.

Currently only accessible to approved officers in London Boroughs or BIDs that have signed up to join the High Streets Data Partnership. You must be logged-in to your Datastore account and given access to view these files.

Experian Business Premises

Goad and ShopPoint retail location data available from Experian, from 2022. Experian’s Business database is built from over 20 trusted sources of business and location data, including Companies House records.

Currently only accessible to approved officers in London Boroughs or BIDs that have signed up to join the High Streets Data Partnership. You must be logged-in to your Datastore account and given access to view these files.

GLA Town Centre Boundaries

Boundaries of Town Centres including proposed Town Centres. NOTE: these boundaries will be used when sharing data about Town Centre spend and footfall. They reflect the wider uses of High Streets including community, public and cultural, in addition to concentrations of retail units.

Currently only accessible to approved officers in London Boroughs or BIDs that have signed up to join the High Streets Data Partnership. You must be logged-in to your Datastore account and given access to view these files.

High Street Land Ownership table

Extracts of the Land Registry Ownership boundaries, from the National Polygon Service where they overlap with GLA High Street Boundaries.

Currently only accessible to approved officers in London Boroughs or BIDs that have signed up to join the High Streets Data Partnership. You must be logged-in to your Datastore account and given access to view these files.

Polling data

This dataset outlines the latest research on London public attitudes and behaviours in relation to the coronavirus outbreak. It includes the results of a tracker poll which asks respondents the same questions each week to monitor how responses change over time.

Currently only accessible to approved London Borough officers or BIDs. You must be logged-in to your Datastore account and given access to view these files.