

This section of the Night Time Observatory draws together data on the public uptake of the evening and night time offer, including the “busyness” of local areas by time of day, consumer spending patterns and characteristics of night time workers.

High Street Busyness

High Street Data Partnership

The High Street Data Partnership pools the resources of the London Boroughs, Business Improvement Districts, GLA and others to create a more joined up and effective approach to using and sharing High Street data. Members can access anonymised data from O2, Mastercard and more to model the busyness of MSOAs in London. Data is broken down by weekday/weekend, day time/night time, and residents/workers/visitors.

Number of International Visitors to London

Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Data relating to international visitors to London. Data shows visitor nights, visits, and spend. Data broken down by age, purpose, duration, mode and country.

Domestic overnight tourism trips to London

Visit Britain

Overnight tourism trips to London taken by residents of Great Britain. Table include data on visits, nights, spend and length of stay.

London Visitor Perceptions

London & Partners

Data on the experiences of previous and potential London visitors of London nightlife.

Characteristics of Night Time Workers

Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Numbers and proportions of London’s night time workers broken down by demographic groups, working patterns, occupation type and industry of employment.

Origin and destination of public transport journeys

Transport for London

Origin and destination of London public transport journeys by time of day and day of week.

Trips made in London by time of day

Transport for London

Trips made in London by time of day, mode share, purpose, gender and age.

Characteristics of Night Bus Users

Transport for London

Breakdown of night and day bus users by gender, age, ethnicity, household income, disability, frequency and purpose of use.