GIS Boundaries

GIS Boundaries

This section of the Night Time Observatory draws together key maps and geographical boundaries that may be useful in analysing London’s night time offer.

Statistical GIS Boundary Files for London

Greater London Authority (GLA)

GIS boundary files for ESRI and Map Info covering Boroughs, Wards, MSOAs, LSOAs and Outout Areas in Greater London.

Town Centre Boundaries

Greater London Authority (GLA)

There are five broad types of town centres according to their scales and roles: International centres, Metropolitan centres, Major centres, District centres and Neighbourhood and more local centres. The GIS files show the indicative boundaries.

Business Improvement District Boundaries

Greater London Authority (GLA)

GIS boundary files for London’s 66 Business Improvement Districts (BIDs).

Creative Enterprise Zone Boundaries

Greater London Authority (GLA)

GIS boundary files for London’s Creative Enterprise Zone are available to download from the Culture Infrastructure Map dataset page.

Geographic Lookups for London

Greater London Authority (GLA)

This dataset contains a range of geographic lookup files to scale between different areas in London.