Labour Supply
Labour Supply
This page contains a wide range of London-focused, indicators on labour supply providing the most up-to-date coverage of important developments. It brings together a variety of official survey statistics, administrative data and near real-time data, offering high quality information to education providers, careers services, employers, analysts, Local Authorities and others with an interest in the supply of labour in London.
The datasets are organised under three headings:
• Economic Activity
Jobs and earnings of London’s residents; employment, unemployment and inactivity rates; qualification levels; and current and projected population figures.
• Education and training
The numbers, results and destinations of school pupils, college and university students, and employees undertaking apprenticeships.
• Worklessness and working age benefits
Unemployment and economic inactivity rates; the number of children living in non-working households; young NEETs; and benefit claimants.
The Greater London Authority Intelligence Unit also provides expert analysis and guidance on London’s labour market and working age population by examining recent developments. Our publications are available at: and thorough analysis of Census data as it relates to London’s labour market is available at:
Indicators of labour market demand to support the effective planning and delivery of skills provision, and careers advice that better meets London’s economic demands are available at: