Spend Data (Subscribers only)


HSDS spend data has been anonymised and aggregated by Mastercard. This data is useful for analysing consumer behaviour, economic trends, and informing business strategies and policy decisions.

Spend is reported as an index value, not £ amount. To protect retailer confidentiality, you cannot see the actual pounds spent or the actual number of transactions.

Please note the terms of our current tenders with our data providers only allow us to share the below private data with London borough and Business Improvement District (BID) officers who are subscribed to the High Streets Data Service. A list of subscribed organisations is available here. If you are an officer at a subscribing organisation, you can request access to this data by emailing [email protected].

Weekly/Weekend Domestic Retail Insights

What’s inside:

  • Weekly spend amount index, GLA-adjusted* and non-adjusted
  • Transaction count index 
  • Separated by retail category (apparel, eating places, and total retail)
  • Aggregated to weekday vs weekend split
  • Domestic spend only

Time Period available: January 2018 – Present
Update frequency: Monthly, 2-3 weeks after end of the reporting period
Geographical level: High streets, town centres, business improvement districts, boroughs, MSOAs, the central activity zone (CAZ), inner London, outer London, London, or bespoke areas (upon request).

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Weekly/Weekend International Retail Insights

What’s inside:

  • Weekly spend amount index, GLA-adjusted* and non-adjusted
  • Transaction count index 
  • Separated by retail category (apparel, eating places, and total retail)
  • Aggregated to weekday vs weekend split
  • International spend only

Time Period available: January 2018 – Present
Update frequency: Monthly, 2-3 weeks after end of the reporting period
Geographical level: High streets, town centres, business improvement districts, MSOAs, the central activity zone (CAZ), or bespoke areas (upon request).

3-Hourly Spend Insights

What’s inside:

  • Daily spend amount index, GLA-adjusted* and non-adjusted
  • Transaction count index
  • Index values for each 3-hour time block for each day (6-9am, 9-12pm, 12-3pm…)
  • No retail sub classification

Time period available: March 2022 – Present
Update frequency: Monthly, 2-3 weeks after end of the reporting period
Geographical level: 100m grids, high streets, town centres, business improvement districts, or bespoke areas (upon request).

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* GLA-Adjusted values use macroeconomic information from the Office of National Statistics and proprietary insights from Mastercard to dynamically adjust for inflation, account for ongoing changes in the cash/card economy and represent spend across all card providers.