HRN 07 (2021) Who moves into social housing in London?

This Housing Research Note, published in November 2021, sets out an analysis of data on social housing lettings in London, in order to understand more about the characteristics of people who move into social housing in London.

The analysis first focuses on lettings into social housing in 2019/20 (the latest year for which detailed data was available at the time of writing), whether social rent or Affordable Rent and whether ‘general needs’ (mainstream social housing) or supported housing. It next considers changes in lettings to general needs homes over time by comparing the period 2012/13 to 2019/20.

The main focus of the analysis is on the flow of moves into social housing from other tenures (including temporary accommodation for homeless households). The analysis does not cover moves that may be needed or desired but are not realised (primarily due to a lack of suitable supply), although it does examine the fall in the annual number of lettings in London over time.

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