London’s Labour Market
GLA Economics produces a number of regular outputs monitoring London’s labour market, the number of businesses, the demand for jobs.
We also produce standalone analyses on current topics, such as economic inactivity and green jobs.
Regular outputs
- Labour Market Update – our monthly analysis of headline indicators for London’s labour market
- Claimant Count in London Boroughs – an in-depth look at the number of people claiming unemployment related benefits at a sub-regional level (monthly)
- Online Job Postings quarterly update – near real-time data used to track and assess the demand for labour in London
Recent outputs
- More detailed jobs – an annual dataset on the number of employees by specific industry in London most recently updated in March 2023.
- Payrolled employments by nationality – an analysis of trends involving workers from EU and non-EU countries.
- Apprenticeship statistics for London – an analysis of apprenticeship take-up in London in 2022/23.
- London Learner Survey dashboard – survey on learners participating in adult education provided by the GLA in 2021/22.
- Quality of jobs for London workers – analysis of ONS Job Quality indicators for 2021 with a focus on how outcomes for Londoners differ from those in the rest of the UK.
- Borough-by-Sector employee jobs series, 1971-2021 – a dataset providing experimental estimates of borough-by-sector employee jobs in London. It provides a time series consistent with ONS Workforce Jobs data where this would not otherwise be available
Standalone reports
GLA Economics produces long-term employment projections for London by sector and by borough. See the Datastore page.
Labour market indicators
The Datastore has a large repository of indictors on Londoners’ employment status, qualifications and more.