London’s Economy Today
London’s Economy Today
London’s Economy Today is a monthly e-zine featuring the most up to date information on the state of London’s economy. It is published towards the end of every month. This page contains additional data from the latest edition of London’s Economy Today.
Each issue provides an interpretation of the latest economic developments and how this may affect policy for London. It features a wide range of London and UK economic indicators. It always includes the latest public transport usage data, which is a useful and timely indicator of economic activity in London.
Other economic indicators covered regularly include employment growth, unemployment, GVA growth, new orders, house prices, and consumer confidence. The LET presence on Datastore aims to create more interaction and a greater personal focus for London’s Economy Today. Initially the plan is to ‘start small’ and build upon the new feature whilst also allowing for the incorporation of feedback and views from the readership.
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