Economic Fairness – Work-life Balance

Labour Market

Work-life Balance

Achieving a balance of work and other aspects of life is important for everyone, and individuals’ and families’ needs vary. Flexible working is one way to help achieve this. Workers in London are as likely to have some form of flexible working arrangement as those across the UK as a whole, according to the latest figures, with levels having increased since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. More than a quarter of all workers in London reported some type of flexible working arrangement in 2022.

However, there is variation between different population groups. The level of variation shown in the data has changed over time, though some caution is needed in interpreting these changes, particularly where numbers are relatively small. Women are more likely to have flexible working arrangements than men, though the gap has narrowed. Where the 35-54 year old age groups were most likely to have flexible working options than younger workers, this appears to have changed in the 2022 data, with both older and younger workers more likely to have flexible work arrangements.


Working shorter hours is another way of achieving a better balance for some people. Nearly a quarter of all those in employment work part-time in the UK, compared with a fifth in London, though see underemployment. Figures on overemployment show that around ten per cent of workers want to work shorter hours (and to do so for less pay). This rate has also changed little over the last fifteen years.