Economic Fairness – Gender Pay Gap
Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap is calculated across all employee jobs based in London or for the UK as a whole. It is not comparing levels of pay of men and women doing the same job. There are many factors influencing pay levels, including the type of jobs, the employer, the place of work, the level of responsibility etc. On average, female employees are paid less per hour than men (14 per cent less in 2023 in London). However, gender pay gaps are more complex than that statement would suggest, with two measures available using mean and median pay. Women working part-time are likely to earn more per hour worked than men working part-time, whereas the reverse is true for full-time workers. The data show trends have been different in London and nationally. For example, where the median pay gap for full-time workers had been falling nationally before the pandemic, this is not the case over more than a decade for people working in London. In contrast, since the start of the pandemic, the pay gap has fallen much further in London than across the UK, though pay gap calculations during the pandemic are difficult to interpret, as they include people on furlough and job losses were not spread evenly across the working population or across different types of job.
The gender pay gaps across the GLA group vary considerably. The GLA has published theirs on the GLA website, while the gender pay gaps for other GLA group organisations can be found on theirs.