Technical notes
Technical notes
These pages contain datasets or methodology documents which are being persevered either because they are relevant to how we produce some of our other statistics, or because they relate to statistics which were used in an important policy document (such as the London Plan). These include:
Household Projection Research Outputs (2019)
Outputs and accompanying technical note to illustrate differences between DCLG’s 2014-based and ONS’s 2016 based household projection methodology.
ONS 2016 Mid-year Population Estimates (2017)
These population estimates were an input to the population projections which underpin the new London Plan.
Projection Methodology Independent Review (2017)
In late 2016 the GLA’s Demography team commissioned the Centre for Change at the University of Southampton to undertake a comprehensive review of methodology and implementation of the GLA Trend Population Projection Model.
Estimating births using GP registration data (2017)
A technical note and subsequent Update on the use of General Practitioner (GP) registration data to estimate the number of live births occurring in London.
ONS 2012-based subnational population projections (2016)
These subnational population projections are relevant for comparison with the GLA’s historical population estimates.
ONS 2014 mid-year population estimates: London analysis (2015)
These population estimates are relevant for assessing the accuracy of the 2013-based GLA population projections, which underpin the current London Plan.
ONS 2011-based subnational population projections (2014)
A report analysing the ONS methodology for producing sub-national population projections which is important for comparison with the GLA projection methodology.
Comparison of estimates of 0-18 year-olds (2012)
This report compares 2011 census estimates of the population aged 0-18 to a range of alternative data sources.
Transgenerational Ethnicity (2005)
A briefing note on the methodology for estimating the probability of a child’s ethnicity based on the ethnicity of its parents (transgenerational ethnicity), which is relevant to the GLA’s ethnic group population projections.