Fertility data
Fertility data
Birth Trends in London (2016)
A one-off analysis of a range of data on births for London and the rest of the country, looking at trends in the number and patterns of births, and potential subsequent impacts on demand for school places.
Births by Mother’s Country of Birth in London (2020)
This analysis (updated each year) uses ONS data on births by mother’s country of birth to examine trends since 2000, to compare London in 2020 with other regions in England and Wales, and to explore variation across the London boroughs.
Births by Parents’ Country of Birth, 2014 (2015)
A one-off analysis which analyses patterns of births by parents’ country of birth in London for 2014 and where possible compares these to trends over the period 2001 to 2014.
Fertility in London, 2001 and 2011 (2014)
A one-off analysis which uses ONS population estimates and birth data to examine changes in fertility in London between 2001 and 2011.
Age-specific fertility rates for London boroughs and borough groupings 2005-07 (2010)
A one-off analysis which presents both raw and smoothed age-specific fertility rates for individual London boroughs and borough groupings.