Release timetable
2021 Census release timetable
first results from the 2021 census, rounded population and household estimates for local authorities were released on 28 June.
Phase 1 releases, called topic summaries, present breakdowns of single census questions. In most cases these include data down to Output Areas, but often in much less detail than in 2011. The full timetable is below.
These releases did not include data for wards, these were released on 30 January.
Demography and migration | 2 November |
UK armed forces veterans | 10 November |
Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion | 29 November |
Labour market and travel to work | 8 December |
Housing | 5 January 2023 |
Sexual orientation and gender identity | 6 January 2023 |
Education (Qualifications) | 10 January 2023 |
Health, disability and unpaid care | 19 January 2023 |
Phase 2 releases of multivariate data began in late March and continued through spring and summer 2023 with further ‘ad-hoc’ table releases.
Phase 3 releases including travel to work and migration flows, small populations and alternative bases will begin in September 2023.