2021 ward and LSOA estimates

Estimates for London wards and LSOAs

ONS released estimates for wards on 30 January 2023. They best-fit whole Output Areas to wards “where SDC rules allow”. I haven’t yet checked if this includes all data for which MSOA estimates have already been published.

CIS estimates will be published on this page based on ONS data published for OAs. CIS estimates so far are

  • Demography and Migration tables (published on 2 November 2022),
  • Ethnicity, Language and Religion (published on 29 November),
  • Labour Market (published on 8 December),
  • Housing (published 5 January 2023), and
  • Qualifications, Health, disability and care (published 19 January 2023).
  • Estimates split OAs at ward boundaries and apportion data as necessary so will not be the same as the ONS best fit figures. CIS estimates cannot be produced for data not published for OAs.

    Estimates are provided as excel spreadsheets and include comparable figures for 2011. Where additional detail is possible for 2011 data, it is given on this page.

    2021 Demography and migration

    Title Description ward LSOA
    All usual residents Usual residents in households and communal establishments; by sex
    Population by age Five year age bands
    Country of birth Country of birth
    Passports held All passports held by residents
    Year of arrival Year migrant arrived in the UK
    Length of residence Length of migrant’s residence in the UK
    Age on arrival Migrant’s age on arrival in the UK
    Household composition Household composition (households)
    Household size Household size
    Household deprivation Households by deprivation dimensions

    2021 Ethnic group, Language and Religion

    Title Description ward LSOA
    Ethnic group Ethnic group
    Religion Religion
    Household language Household English language
    Proficiency in English Proficiency in English
    Multiple ethnic group Multiple ethnic groups in household
    Multiple religion households Multiple religions in household
    Multiple main languages in household Multiple main languages in household

    2021 Labour market

    Title Description ward LSOA
    Hours worked number of hours worked per week
    Occupation 1 digit Standard Occupational Classification 2020
    NS-SEC National Statistics Socio-economic Classification
    Economic Activity Adults’ Economic Activity status
    Method of travel to work main mode used to travel to work
    Distance travelled to work Straight line distance between home and workplace

    2021 Housing

    Title Description ward LSOA
    Accommodation type Type of house or flat
    Central Heating Type or types of central heating
    Bedrooms Number of bedrooms
    Rooms Number of Rooms (VOA rooms in 2021)
    Cars or vans number of Cars or vans accessible by household members)
    Occupancy rating Occupancy rating based on bedrooms
    Tenure Tenure of households)

    2021 Qualifications, Disability, Health and Care

    Title Description ward LSOA
    Qualifications Highest level of qualifications
    Health General health
    Disability Long term health problem or disability
    Unpaid Care Hours of unpaid care provided