Demography and Migration Demography and Migration All tables from the Demography and Migration theme, split into three parts: Demography Households Migration 2011 Demography Title Description Table reference long data wide data Demography All Demography tables zipped Usual Residents Usual Residents KS101EW Sex Sex QS104EW Age structure Broad age groups KS102EW Single years of age Single years to 99, 100+ QS103EW Age by Sex Single year or 5 year bands by Sex multiple Schoolchildren and full-time students Schoolchildren and full-time students at their non term-time address QS105EW Second address Residents with second address inside or outside UK QS106EW 2011 Households Title Description Table reference long data wide data Households All Household tables zipped Household composition Household composition – Households QS113EW Household composition Household composition – People QS112EW Household composition (alternative) Household composition (alternative child and adult definition) – Households QS115EW Household composition (alternative) Household composition (alternative child and adult definition) – People QS114EW Household lifestage Household lifestage QS111EW Adult lifestage (alternative) Adult lifestage (alternative adult definition) QS110EW Household type Household type QS116EW Living arrangements Living arrangements QS108EW Single adult household People aged 18 to 64 living in a one adult household QS117EW Families with dependent children Families with dependent children QS118EW Household deprivation Households by deprivation dimensions QS119EW 2011 Migration Migration All Migration tables zipped Passports held Passports held – persons CT0060 Passports held Passports held – passports KS205EW Country of birth Country of birth (broad) KS204EW Country of birth Country of birth (detailed) QS203EW Year of arrival in the UK Year of arrival in the UK QS801EW Length of residence Length of residence in the UK QS803EW Age at arrival age on arrival in uk QS802EW