Labour market update for London – January 2022

Alongside the summary of key points below, you can view the interactive version of our London labour market update.

Previous updates and other labour market analyses are also available.

  • Payrolled employees rose by around 30,500, or 0.7%, between November and December 2021 and was 0.2% above pre-pandemic (February 2020) levels.
  • Unemployment rate continued to fall from its pandemic peak but was still higher than the UK average. London’s unemployment rate was estimated at 5.4% for the three months ending November 2021, down 1.7 percentage points (pp) on the same period in the previous year. The UK average was 4.1%.
  • The employment rate in London was estimated at 75.6% for the same period, up 0.7pp on both the previous quarter and from a year earlier. London’s employment rate was in line with the UK average (75.5%).
  • London’s inactivity rate (the measure of those not looking and/or not available for work) was estimated at 20.2%. While this was up 0.8pp on the previous year, the inactivity rate fell on the previous quarter and remained lower than the UK-wide estimate of 21.3%.