What Businesses Need to Be Doing to Prepare for Smart Cities

Smart cities is an incredibly appealing concept. It’s essentially a project that uses the latest and greatest technology to improve city life for everyone, with improved traffic, energy efficiency, more public safety, better resources where they’re needed, higher levels of education, and more. Smart cities promise the ability to anticipate the average citizen’s desire before they voice it, which means cleaner, more sustainable features and an even brighter future.

Smart city innovations are everywhere. London especially is extremely interested in working with big data to create smart cities that will make life easier. The major city has already been working with Transport for London (TFL) to create a better transportation experience for the general populace using data collected from consumer input and daily transport schedules.

The Institute for Sustainability has also been working with the Mayor of London’s Office to create a smarter ecommerce situation. They have been encouraging entrepreneurs to embrace the newest forms of technology that will allow the city government access to information that will help them handle the major population growth over the last few years.

Despite continued failings to successfully enact entirely smart cities, many of the innovations are already there, and more will be coming. Smart cities are our present and future, and the best way that businesses can embrace the upcoming change is to be prepared for it.

Embrace the Technology

Businesses need a thorough understanding of both big data and the Internet of Things. These technological advancements are not only useful for improving business processing, but also for bringing in the information necessary to enhance the consumer experience. Some of the most useful tech for smart cities include apps, security cameras and 24-hour surveillance, charging stations, solar panels and other sustainable energy sources, recycling systems, mobile payments, broadband internet access, and much more. It’s a good idea to get used to these technologies now so that you’re ready to fit in with what consumers want when smart cities take over.

Recognize the Economic Drivers

Technology is the first step in building a smarter city, but it’s also important to recognize how it will affect the economy.There are three economic drivers that will propel smart cities:

Productivity: The entire city, including the majority of citizens and local businesses, must be geared toward economic growth and improved efficiencies in both the public and private sectors.

Inclusivity: Smart cities must also support a vision that includes the health and well being of all of its citizens and businesses. It should provide a wealth of opportunities for expansion, education, and improved dealings with businesses and public services.

Resiliency: The vision of smart cities must be working towards a more sustainable environment so that it can handle the technology that accompanies smart cities.

Work with the Government

It’s true that business generally works better without copious amounts of government intervention, but this is one area will that rule will need to bend a little. Smart cities require full cooperation from the government, its citizens, and its businesses. All three entities will need to reform their practices to allow for collaboration through technology and smart city innovations.

Improved Communication and Networks

Communication must be open and constant between all entities. It will also require stronger networks that can handle the constant communication and data transmission. This may even require businesses to upgrade their internet quality in order to keep up with the emerging changes.

Perhaps most important is communication between businesses and citizens. Consumers need to recognize that they can trust the commercial sector with their information, which will not be an easy task. The key is continued communication and education in order to show that the technology of big data and smart cities is more secure than ever before.

It’s the 21st century, which means that we should be anticipating the future of both commerce and technology. Smart cities lead to more efficient resource use, extreme networking, and greater opportunities for all involved. It’s coming, and it can be a more seamless transition if the private and commercial sectors are prepared.