The GLA voluntarily adopts the Code of Practice for Statistics

Today, the GLA is voluntarily adopting the Code of Practice for Statistics. Part of the Mayor’s commitment to transparency, this builds on the GLA’s long history of producing and publishing high-quality statistics, and our commitment to the provision of open data through the London Datastore – our award-winning data platform for London.

In a world where digital information is abundant and fake news is an increasing problem, we are delighted to support the UK Statistics Authority by becoming the first city administration to adopt their new Code. Statistics produced by the GLA are a valuable public asset for London. They drive the creation of the London Plan; help us understand the performance of key public services such as the police, transport and fire and rescue; and are used by the London Assembly to stimulate democratic debate and hold the Mayor to account.

The Mayor wants Londoners and other users of GLA statistics to be confident that they can be trusted. The GLA are committed to the pillars and principles underlying the Code, and to improving our statistics over time. An immediate improvement to our statistical processes is the release of our list of statistics and an advance publication timetable to be transparent about what we are releasing and when. For some of our data-heavy functional bodies, we are starting by applying the Code to a more limited set of statistical outputs, with the aim of extending these to more outputs over time. Our advance publication timetable can be found here:

The GLA Statement of Compliance with the Code can be found here:

Details of the UKSA Code of Practice and guidance for Voluntary Application can be found here: