Take part in our sports data expedition

We are hosting a whole day Sports Data Expedition on the 31st of October at City Hall and are looking for volunteers to take part.

What is a data expedition?
A data expedition is an event that brings together those that might hold data, policy makers and data scientists to gain insight on a chosen topic or theme. We are interested in understanding what the existing data about and from sports activity in London can reveal. A data expedition is an opportunity to highlight the potential of civil society data, share insight, and build partnerships, data skills and capacity.

We need a multitude of different skills in the room on the day – check out the different roles here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sports-data-expedition-tickets-50260424282 (password is sportsdataexpedition all lower case and you will have to type this in when requested, not simply copy and paste) and if you are available to take part, please sign up.

We are currently crowdsourcing our research question for the day, if you would like to share a potential idea or vote on those already there, visit http://www.allourideas.org/sportsdataexpedition/