NHS London Data Update

NHS London makes yet more NHS data publically available as part of the government’s Information Revolution. In this latest update NHS London has made available previously unpublished data about the number of stroke patients taken by ambulance under ‘blue light’ conditions direct to a Hyper Acute Stroke Unit. We have also updated data about stroke, healthcare associated infections, cancer, A&E, referral to treatment, immunisation and a number of indicators in the London Healthcare Benchmarking Tool.

The data is available on Datastore and on NHS London’s website here: http://www.london.nhs.uk/your-nhs-in-london/publishing-nhs-data

It’s important to NHS London that the information we publish is useful and interesting for Londoners and we welcome suggestions about what information we should be publishing. Please let us know what information you would like us to publish by emailing us at [email protected]

Ben King
Communications and Marketing Manager, NHS London