London Tube Station and Journey Stats

London Tube Stats maps by Oliver O’Brien from UCL CASA data about how the London Underground is used – how many people use each station at various times of the day, and where they go once they are on the tube.


The main view shows the entry/exit data, by time of day, for 2003-2012. Choosing an option from the drop-down menu at the top will vary the circle sizes, the area of each circle representing the numbers. Clicking on a station will reveal a table of the underlying numbers, with colours showing trends. Then there is an additional view that uses the TfL RODS (Rolling Origin Destination Survey) data for 2012, to show journeys.

RODS is based on surveyed data that is then scaled up to match the recorded entries/exits from the barriers, and the numbers represent a typical day. Click on a station to mark the place people enter the system, the other stations then shift in size to show where people exit. You can change between the two datasets using the Metric drop-down menu.

Tube station statistics are available on the datastore.