London takes a look at its household bills

Household Bills Survey

London has recently been revealed as one of the least energy conscious regions in Great Britain.

Statistics from the NatWest Household Bills Survey, reveal that Londoners have the lowest uptake of energy saving measures compared to any other region in Great Britain and are amongst one of the least likely regions to shop around on their household bills.

Compared to the rest of Great Britain, London has the largest percentage of people who admit to not thinking about saving money on their energy bills and have the highest percentage of people who have never heard of energy saving grants offered by energy companies and the government to help reduce costs.

When asked about the energy saving devices used, energy saving lightbulbs was the most popular (69%), closely followed by double glazing (68%). Less commonly used devices amongst Londoners included smart meters (11%), energy-saving plugs (8%) and smart heating/electricity control (6%),with the least popular energy saving device being  the radiator booster (at only 2%). 7% of the Londoners surveyed stated they didn’t use any energy saving devices at all. The results also revealed that bill payers across the rest of Great Britain are more likely to shop around for a better deal on their household bills than those living in London. For example, just 43% of consumers in London shop around on their electricity supplier at least every two years, compared to 57% of consumers across the rest of Great Britain. The survey shows that around a third of all Londoners never compare service suppliers to see who is offering the best deal (see image).
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Consumers in London however are willing to compare their mobile suppliers, with 52% looking for a better deal within 2 years, closely followed by their broadband provider (49%). The least compared service suppliers are TV paid packages and electricity with just 42% of Londoners never looking to compare.