London Office of Data Analytics: Documenting the Learning Process

As regular readers of this blog will know, the GLA and Nesta are working together to run a pilot to demonstrate that performing data analytics on datasets sourced from multiple local authorities and other novel sources can help reform public services in the capital. This short blog provides a link through to a more detailed report of the workshop we held on 21st June, at which 15 out of London’s 32 Boroughs were present.

For me, achieving success in terms of impactful analysis that produces new approaches to public service delivery, and that can be repeated again and again across the wider range of policy challenges featured in the report is, of course, vital. But just as important is documenting the learning process as we set about our first attempt to run a data analytics exercise across multiple local authorities is just as valuable. As I often say, exercises like these are as much about organisational capacity, culture and willingness to collaborate as they are about technology and data.

By paying attention to both – analytical method, and broader process – we are confident we can pave the way for the creation of a permanent London Office of Data Analytics.

Please read the report here to find out about our candidate for the final challenge area and do get in touch with us if you would like to be part of the next steps that Nesta and the GLA will take to make the pilot a reality.