Join the debate at London’s Clinical Senate

NHS London has started to make NHS data publically available as part of the government’s Information Revolution.  There is a range of views about how data should be published and what is the most important kind of information for clinicians and for patients.

The data is available on Datastore and on NHS London’s website here:

The London Clinical Senate, which has been set up to make sure clinicians in the capital are more involved in potential changes and developments in healthcare services, will discuss this work at its meeting today.

Speakers will include Professor Martin Marshall, formerly Deputy Chief Medical Officer and now with the Health Foundation, and Mr Tim Kelsey, co-founder of Dr Foster.

The group will discuss the opportunities that the information revolution offers for improving quality and communicating with patients. They will also think about barriers to opening up data and the risks associated with it.

There will be a live twitter debate during the Senate – NHS London (@NHSLondonSHA) and Emer Coleman (@emercolman) will be tweeting live from the meeting and hoping to get ideas and feedback from developers and data analysts to feed into the discussions.

If you would like to join the debate, please log on between 12.20 and 3pm today, and use #ldnsenate.

Ruth Wheatley

Briefing Manager