Free London Mapping Tool from GLA

Have you ever wanted to create a quick thematic map of London but lacked the GIS skills or software to do it yourself?

The GLA Intelligence Unit have created some free mapping tools that allow the user to input their own borough data to create an instant map that can be copied over into Word or another application of their choice.

UPDATE (14-5-12): The tool now also inlcudes an option for users to input their own custom ranges, which will override the automatic ranges.

UPDATE (16-5-12): A layer containing borough labels is now available below the map. AND a borough thematic map for categories only (as opposed to numbers).

UPDATE (22-05-12): Ward maps for each borough are now available.

Let me know via email how you have used these maps, or how they could be improved and, I will provide updates here.

More information and the tool itself can be found here (links will open another page where the tool can be downloaded).