First Release of Health Data: Driving Choice & Improving Health Outcomes in London

The information revolution is a defining principle of the vision for the new NHS as outlined in the coalition government’s White Paper ‘Equity & Excellence – Liberating the NHS’.

In our push to make Health data transparent and available to the public we have published the first of a number of pieces of Health data on the Datastore. The first examples up and running are data on maternity, stroke, cardiovascular and NHS performance indicators.

We recognise that the public and clinicians will need information on all of London’s health services to exercise choice, drive service/quality improvements and improve health outcomes for Londoners. We hope that by making data transparent it will support clinicians and hospitals to continue to strive to achieve best practice in healthcare provision. Also that clinical teams will focus on finding ways to measure what Londoners say they want from publically funded services not just what can be easily measured. In addition the Datastore will be an opportunity for the GP’s & wider NHS to publically share future success in the improvements in health outcomes.

This is the start of the GLA and NHS working together to release NHS and wider health data to the Datastore. The Mayor passionately believes that Londoners are well placed to tell us what the day-to-day health issues are that they face, how they think these might best be addressed and that a sound evidence base plays a key role in developing effective health services that work for London now and in the future So have a look at the data and have a play. If you find anything interesting be sure to let us know!

Pamela Chesters

Advisor for Health and Youth Opportunities