Electricity Consumption in a Sample of London Households

Using SmartMeter technology, UK Power Networks gathered electricity use data for a sample of 5,567 London households between November 2011 and February 2014. Readings were taken every half hour. The Acorn group of each household is included in the data. The full raw data is available to download from the Datastore.

Within the data set are two groups of customers. A sub-set of 1,100 customers (Dynamic Time of Use or dToU) were given specific times when their electricity tariff would be higher or lower price than normal – High (67.20p/kWh), Low (3.99p/kWh) or normal (11.76p/kWh). The rest of the sample (around 4,500) were on a flat rate of 14.228p/kWh.

Some of the data has been analysed below in the form of Tableau reports. But due to the size of the raw dataset, the data below has been aggregated to reduce file size/load time. The first report has been aggregated to monthly averages, and the second contains the full detail but only for a single month (December 2013). The first report also shows the average temperature for the each month to show how electricity use responds to outside temperature.