2011 Census outputs update

At present the full range of 2011 Census products and services have not been consulted on, or finalised, the Office Statistics (ONS) are aware that users need to be kept up-to-date with plans for the dissemination of 2011 Census data as they develop. ONS therefore intends to publish reports relating to the 2011 Census outputs throughout 2011/2012; as follows.

July 2011

First results

The current expectation is that the first release of figures from the 2011 Census will be published in July 2012. These outputs are currently being finalised and are likely to be similar to the first outputs for the 2001 Census, published on 30 September 2002. A full specification of the content of the first release and publication date will be made available in July 2011

Consultation Reports

Following the second round consultation on the main series of statistical outputs the following products will be made available:

  • Consultation report on statistical outputs
  • Consultation report on 2011 Census geographies
  • Agreed running order for the main series of statistical outputs
  • Proposed outputs on alternative population bases

September 2011

  • Detailed specifications of planned outputs resulting from the consultation

March 2012

Full Outputs prospectus including:

  • Proposed outputs on the main residency base
  • Proposed outputs on alternative population bases
  • Microdata products
  • Origin – destination data (flows)
  • Analytical products and services
  • Data access and data dissemination arrangements
  • Licence agreements
  • Full timetable for release


Over the past two years extensive consultations have taken place defining a range of 2011 Census products and services that will meet the needs of users. These products and services are intended to cover both users who wish to obtain a broad overview for a particular area, to more demanding users who require very detailed and specific information about a topic.

The most recent consultation on the main series of statistical outputs took place between January and April 2011. The responses to this consultation are currently being evaluated with the aim of publishing an agreed set of products in the near future that will define the majority of 2011 Census outputs.

Smaller consultations on more specialist products and services will also take place throughout 2011. These will include:

  • Microdata products
  • Origin – destination data (flows)
  • Analytical products
  • Full timetable for release