This data originates from the Public Health Outcomes tool currently presents data for available indicators for upper tier local authority levels, collated by Public Health England (PHE).
The data currently published here are the baselines for the Public Health Outcomes Framework, together with more recent data where these are available. The baseline period is 2010 or equivalent, unless these data are unavailable or not deemed to be of sufficient quality. The first data were published in this tool as an official statistics release in November 2012. Future official statistics updates will be published as part of a quarterly update cycle in August, November, February and May.
The definition, rationale, source information, and methodology for each indicator can be found within the spreadsheet.
Data included in the spreadsheet:
0.1i - Healthy life expectancy at birth
0.1ii - Life Expectancy at 65
0.1ii - Life Expectancy at birth
0.2i - Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth based on national deprivation deciles within England
0.2ii - Number of upper tier local authorities for which the local slope index of inequality in life expectancy (as defined in 0.2iii) has decreased
0.2iii - Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth within English local authorities, based on local deprivation deciles within each area
0.2iv - Gap in life expectancy at birth between each local authority and England as a whole
0.2v - Slope index of inequality in healthy life expectancy at birth based on national deprivation deciles within England
0.2vii - Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth within English regions, based on regional deprivation deciles within each area
1.01i - Children in poverty (all dependent children under 20)
1.01ii - Children in poverty (under 16s)
1.02i - School Readiness: The percentage of children achieving a good level of development at the end of reception
1.02i - School Readiness: The percentage of children with free school meal status achieving a good level of development at the end of reception
1.02ii - School Readiness: The percentage of Year 1 pupils achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check
1.02ii - School Readiness: The percentage of Year 1 pupils with free school meal status achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check
1.03 - Pupil absence
1.04 - First time entrants to the youth justice system
1.05 - 16-18 year olds not in education employment or training
1.06i - Adults with a learning disability who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
1.06ii - % of adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
1.07 - People in prison who have a mental illness or a significant mental illness
1.08i - Gap in the employment rate between those with a long-term health condition and the overall employment rate
1.08ii - Gap in the employment rate between those with a learning disability and the overall employment rate
1.08iii - Gap in the employment rate for those in contact with secondary mental health services and the overall employment rate
1.09i - Sickness absence - The percentage of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
1.09ii - Sickness absence - The percent of working days lost due to sickness absence
1.10 - Killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties on England's roads
1.11 - Domestic Abuse
1.12i - Violent crime (including sexual violence) - hospital admissions for violence
1.12ii - Violent crime (including sexual violence) - violence offences per 1,000 population
1.12iii- Violent crime (including sexual violence) - Rate of sexual offences per 1,000 population
1.13i - Re-offending levels - percentage of offenders who re-offend
1.13ii - Re-offending levels - average number of re-offences per offender
1.14i - The rate of complaints about noise
1.14ii - The percentage of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 65dB(A) or more, during the daytime
1.14iii - The percentage of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 55 dB(A) or more during the night-time
1.15i - Statutory homelessness - homelessness acceptances
1.15ii - Statutory homelessness - households in temporary accommodation
1.16 - Utilisation of outdoor space for exercise/health reasons
1.17 - Fuel Poverty
1.18i - Social Isolation: % of adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like
1.18ii - Social Isolation: % of adult carers who have as much social contact as they would like
1.19i - Older people's perception of community safety - safe in local area during the day
1.19ii - Older people's perception of community safety - safe in local area after dark
1.19iii - Older people's perception of community safety - safe in own home at night
2.01 - Low birth weight of term babies
2.02i - Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding initiation
2.02ii - Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding prevalence at 6-8 weeks after birth
2.03 - Smoking status at time of delivery
2.04 - Under 18 conceptions
2.04 - Under 18 conceptions: conceptions in those aged under 16
2.06i - Excess weight in 4-5 and 10-11 year olds - 4-5 year olds
2.06ii - Excess weight in 4-5 and 10-11 year olds - 10-11 year olds
2.07i - Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in children (aged 0-14 years)
2.07i - Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in children (aged 0-4 years)
2.07ii - Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in young people (aged 15-24)
2.08 - Emotional well-being of looked after children
2.09i - Smoking prevalence at age 15 - current smokers (WAY survey)
2.09ii - Smoking prevalence at age 15 - regular smokers (WAY survey)
2.09iii - Smoking prevalence at age 15 - occasional smokers (WAY survey)
2.09iv - Smoking prevalence at age 15 years - regular smokers (SDD survey)
2.09v - Smoking prevalence at age 15 years - occasional smokers (SDD survey)
2.12 - Excess Weight in Adults
2.13i - Percentage of physically active and inactive adults - active adults
2.13ii - Percentage of physically active and inactive adults - inactive adults
2.14 - Smoking Prevalence
2.14 - Smoking prevalence - routine & manual
2.15i - Successful completion of drug treatment - opiate users
2.15ii - Successful completion of drug treatment - non-opiate users
2.16 - People entering prison with substance dependence issues who are previously not known to community treatment
2.17 - Recorded diabetes
2.18 - Admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions - narrow definition
2.19 - Cancer diagnosed at early stage (Experimental Statistics)
2.20i - Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer
2.20ii - Cancer screening coverage - cervical cancer
2.21i - Antenatal infectious disease screening – HIV coverage
2.21iii - Antenatal Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening - coverage
2.21iv - Newborn bloodspot screening - coverage
2.21v - Newborn Hearing screening - Coverage
2.21vii - Access to non-cancer screening programmes - diabetic retinopathy
2.21viii - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
2.22iii - Cumulative % of the eligible population aged 40-74 offered an NHS Health Check
2.22iv - Cumulative % of the eligible population aged 40-74 offered an NHS Health Check who received an NHS Health Check
2.22v - Cumulative % of the eligible population aged 40-74 who received an NHS Health check
2.23i - Self-reported well-being - people with a low satisfaction score
2.23ii - Self-reported well-being - people with a low worthwhile score
2.23iii - Self-reported well-being - people with a low happiness score
2.23iv - Self-reported well-being - people with a high anxiety score
2.23v - Average Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS) score
2.24i - Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over
2.24ii - Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over - aged 65-79
2.24iii - Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over - aged 80+
3.01 - Fraction of mortality attributable to particulate air pollution
3.02 - Chlamydia detection rate (15-24 year olds)
3.02 - Chlamydia detection rate (15-24 year olds)
3.03i - Population vaccination coverage - Hepatitis B (1 year old)
3.03i - Population vaccination coverage - Hepatitis B (2 years old)
3.03iii - Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (1 year old)
3.03iii - Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 years old)
3.03iv - Population vaccination coverage - MenC
3.03ix - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for one dose (5 years old)
3.03v - Population vaccination coverage - PCV
3.03vi - Population vaccination coverage - Hib / Men C booster (5 years)
3.03vi - Population vaccination coverage - Hib / MenC booster (2 years old)
3.03vii - Population vaccination coverage - PCV booster
3.03viii - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for one dose (2 years old)
3.03x - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for two doses (5 years old)
3.03xii - Population vaccination coverage - HPV
3.03xiii - Population vaccination coverage - PPV
3.03xiv - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (aged 65+)
3.03xv - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (at risk individuals)
3.04 - People presenting with HIV at a late stage of infection
3.05i - Treatment completion for TB
3.05ii - Incidence of TB
3.06 - NHS organisations with a board approved sustainable development management plan
3.07 - Comprehensive, agreed inter-agency plans for responding to health protection incidents and emergencies
4.01 - Infant mortality
4.02 - Tooth decay in children aged 5
4.03 - Mortality rate from causes considered preventable
4.04i - Under 75 mortality rate from all cardiovascular diseases
4.04ii - Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases considered preventable
4.05i - Under 75 mortality rate from cancer
4.05ii - Under 75 mortality rate from cancer considered preventable
4.06i - Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease
4.06ii - Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease considered preventable
4.07i - Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease
4.07ii - Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease considered preventable
4.08 - Mortality from communicable diseases
4.10 - Suicide rate
4.11 - Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge from hospital
4.12i - Preventable sight loss - age related macular degeneration (AMD)
4.12ii - Preventable sight loss - glaucoma
4.12iii - Preventable sight loss - diabetic eye disease
4.12iv - Preventable sight loss - sight loss certifications
4.13 - Health related quality of life for older people
4.14i - Hip fractures in people aged 65 and over
4.14ii - Hip fractures in people aged 65 and over - aged 65-79
4.14iii - Hip fractures in people aged 65 and over - aged 80+
4.15i - Excess Winter Deaths Index (Single year, all ages)
4.15ii - Excess Winter Deaths Index (single year, ages 85+)
4.15iii - Excess Winter Deaths Index (3 years, all ages)
4.15iv - Excess Winter Deaths Index (3 years, ages 85+)
4.16 - Estimated diagnosis rate for people with dementia
Supporting Information - Deprivation score (IMD 2010)
Other Public Health Profiles data available from PHE Fingertips