This spreadsheet contains:
- the total number of net additional dwellings from all sources,
- Total number of dwellings, and
- Average dwelling size (persons per dwelling)
Net additional dwellings includes conversions, change of use, and other reasons, minus demolitions and all dwellings estimates. The net additional data is by borough since 2004/05 and total dwellings estimate is since 2001. More information can be found on the CLG website. Data is from Tables 122 and 125.
A figure of persons per dwelling has also been included using population estimates.
This release takes annual figures on net housing supply in England from two data sources:
- 1) information submitted to Communities and Local Government (CLG) by local authorities in all regions except London through the Housing Flows Reconciliation (HFR) form; and
- 2) information collected by the Greater London Authority (GLA) for London Boroughs.
From 2000-01 to 2003-04, all local authorities submitted data to Communities and Local Government through the HFR form. Between 2004-05 and 2008-09, Communities and Local Government worked jointly with Regional Planning Bodies in some regions on joint returns to ensure consistency between the net housing supply figures reported at various geographical levels.
In 2010 the abolition of Regional Planning Bodies prompted a return to submission through the HFR for all local authorities outside London. Because of the unique status of the GLA, London Boroughs continue to supply their data through the GLA. Users should note that the London figures are provisional at this stage and may be subject to change before they are reported in the GLA’s Annual Monitoring Report in February 2011. Local authorities have until early September, five months after the end of the financial year, to complete the HFR form.
This change to the data collection process has enabled Communities and Local Government (DCLG) to publish the net supply of housing statistical release for 2009-10 four months earlier than in previous years.
DCLG also publish house building statistics by local authority (Table 253), but the GLA prefer to use Net Additional Dwellings because they are more complete in terms of borough coverage, and comprehensive, as they cover more than just new build.
Dwellings estimate is at 31 March
Figures from 2001 and 2011 are census figures. All figures from 2002 to 2011 have been revised following the release of the dwelling count from the 2011 census.
Data from 2003, 2003 and 2004 contains a number of imputed and adjusted values and should not be considered as robust as subsequent years.
Average dwelling size (persons per dwelling) using population estimate (ONS) divided by number of dwellings.
Population data is from ONS mid year estimates and projections.
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