Multiply is a £559 million investment by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to deliver bespoke adult numeracy programmes over the next three years (ending March 2025). The GLA has been allocated just under £41 million of this funding to deliver Multiply across the capital.

The London Multiply programme will give adult Londoners the opportunity to learn and develop the essential numeracy skills they need in life and work, supporting Londoners to access higher wage employment and help mitigate the impact of the rising cost of living.

The Mayor has a legal obligation under the Equality Act 2010 to have due regard to eliminating unlawful discrimination and advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic.

This document sets out the Equality Impact Assessment for the London Multiply Programme. It demonstrates how equality groups and equalities impacts were considered in the development of the programme and sets out the likely impacts the delivery of the programme will have on equality groups.

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