Number of Domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) lodged on the Register, in each Local Authority, by Energy Efficiency Rating (fuel cost) or Environmental Impact Rating (Carbon Dioxide emissions), in each Year/Quarter. Floor area data is broken down by property type. Type of property is broken down into Bungalow, House, Flat, or Maisonette.

These tables show data from certificates lodged on the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) Registers since 2008, including average energy efficiency ratings, energy use, carbon dioxide emissions, fuel costs, average floor area sizes and numbers of certificates recorded.

Data lodged on the EPB Registers record information about the certificates issued for buildings which have been newly constructed, sold or let since 2008. Data lodged on the EPB Registers will also include buildings for which multiple EPCs have been issued.

On 1 April 2012, the first set of Scheme Operating Requirements came into effect for Domestic Energy Assessors, which set new rules for the operation of Accreditation Schemes. One new requirement was to introduce quality assurance audit of EPCs. The result was a demonstrable improvement in the quality of data lodged on the EPB Registers from mid-2012 onwards. Users are asked to consider this when interpreting figures prior to that period. In May 2009, additional validation checks were introduced into the register lodgement process to identify prescribed data quality issues. Before this period, statistics for domestic buildings may include anomalies to CO2 emission rates. In addition, statistics for domestic and non-domestic buildings and for DECs may include anomalies which affect total floor area figures.

View some of the floor area data as cartograms (maps) for London here.

More information can be found on the DCLG website.

This dataset is one of the Greater London Authority's measures of Economic Fairness. Click here to find out more.
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